鼓舞士氣 信義計劃眼鏡 設計師 5磅 彩色 啞鈴 造型 5 ponds dumbbell style 運動水壺 水罐 沖茶器 兼 眼鏡盒 咖啡壺 泡茶器 過濾杯 筆筒 鉛筆盒 隨身杯 隨手杯 多功能 容器 收納盒 太陽眼鏡 可配 近視 老花 多焦點 鏡片 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 全視線 變色鏡片 全视线 变色镜片 optical frames spectacles glasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue ray light block lenses blue light block filter eyeglasses sunglasses Óculos de sol 선글라스 Sonnenbrillen occhiali da sole solglasögon Kính râm zonnebril Sluneční brýle Lunettes de soleil عینک آفتابی نظارة شمسية משקפי שמש Сонечныя акуляры サングラス solbriller güneş gözlüğü hita napszemüveg Sólgleraugu Kacamata धूप का चश्मा Gafas de sol แว่นตากันแดด Сонячні окуляри Cermin mata hitam ocularia solaria темные очки Көзілдірік solbriller Okulary ImeMyself Eyewear casual wear clothes and accessories aurinkolasit
鼓舞士氣 信義計劃眼鏡 設計師 5磅 彩色 啞鈴 造型 5 ponds dumbbell style 運動水壺 水罐 沖茶器 兼 眼鏡盒 咖啡壺 泡茶器 過濾杯 筆筒 鉛筆盒 隨身杯 隨手杯 多功能 容器 收納盒 太陽眼鏡 可配 近視 老花 多焦點 鏡片 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 全視線 變色鏡片 全视线 变色镜片 optical frames spectacles glasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue ray light block lenses blue light block filter eyeglasses sunglasses Óculos de sol 선글라스 Sonnenbrillen occhiali da sole solglasögon Kính râm zonnebril Sluneční brýle Lunettes de soleil عینک آفتابی نظارة شمسية משקפי שמש Сонечныя акуляры サングラス solbriller güneş gözlüğü hita napszemüveg Sólgleraugu Kacamata धूप का चश्मा Gafas de sol แว่นตากันแดด Сонячні окуляри Cermin mata hitam ocularia solaria темные очки Көзілдірік solbriller Okulary ImeMyself Eyewear casual wear clothes and accessories aurinkolasit
- 編號:3033
- 類別:太陽眼鏡-大框
- 重量:
- 定價:$1,590
- 特價:$690
- 數量:
width: XXX cm height: XXX cm (measured with the frame included)
Foreign buyers can purchase in my website through PayPal or Payoneer now.
This item 690 TWD +240 TWD shipping cost =930 TWD or 33 USD
Pay 930 TWD or 33 USD to my PayPal or Payoneer:alex2000tw@gmail.com
Email me and tell me you have paid.
I will ship the package right after the payment is confirmed.
I will offer you the tracking number, the package photos, and the inquiring site after the shipment.
To avoid high customs tax, I usually declare the value to be 39 USD and declare the items to be used eyeglasses, gift, or samples.
Actually I send you the authentic, original, and unused/brand new ones.
If you want me to declare more or less than 39 USD, please tell me before I ship the package.
(For some countries, I put a note inside the package to claim it’s a bonus to avoid high customs tax.)
PayPal will protect buyers’ purchase.
I'm law-abiding and trustworthy; you will receive authentic, unused, and original eyeglasses and additional gifts for sure.
Warm regards,
Alex alex2000tw@gmail.com LINE / WeChat / WhatsAPP: alex20000tw
真正危險的地方是群聚的菜市場和大賣場, 我們台北店有定期實施清潔和消毒, 是安全可靠的地方
信義計劃眼鏡 齊心抗疫的2022年 特別優惠方案: 即日起到2022年12月底
凡在我們台北店現場或者官網購買任何兩支眼鏡, 不限金額, 690元的兒童鏡框或特價鏡框也可以, 除了原先贈送的,
1. 原定價3600至4000元(抗UV抗輻射)1. 56超薄防水多層膜非球面雙抗鏡片.
2. 光學鏡頭用超細奈米纖維布
3. 價值180元的帆布袋或網狀袋一個
4. 價值190元的頂級名片鈔票夾(或活動鍍鋅鋼掛勾)(或石頭文鎮)(或鍍鋅鋼書籤)(或鍍鋅鋼全金屬指環扣手機支架) (或不鏽鋼不碎鏡)(或USB隨身LED燈)(或眼鏡鍊) 一件
5. 還特別贈送您這價值1590元的多功能設計師運動水壺或真皮眼鏡盒(2選1)
6. 附註: 2至4 三項可以全部更換為 抗UV 防霧 護目鏡
老顧客可以更換上述第5項為 純棉鴨舌帽 或 100%純手工松木眼鏡盒或 極品咖啡豆 或 丹麥進口珠寶盒 或 Hermès / LV / Montale / Mont Blanc / Dior / Mercedes Benz 賓士 等香水
如果親友買2支眼鏡, 得到上述禮物, 帶親友來的網友, 沒買也一樣可以得到2點貴賓卡點數
如果親友買6支眼鏡, 得到3項禮物, 帶親友來的網友, 沒買也一樣可以得到6點貴賓卡點數, 就可以兌換上述禮物
點數愈多, 兌換愈多, 歡迎把握機會!
以下原方案 等抗疫活動結束後 恢復實施
信義計劃眼鏡 不鏽鋼 耐高溫玻璃 設計師運動水壺 水罐 沖茶器 兼 眼鏡盒 大方送
304 不鏽鋼 加上 耐高溫玻璃
可當 運動水壺 沖茶器 咖啡壺 泡茶器 過濾杯 筆筒 鉛筆盒 隨身杯 隨手杯 兼 眼鏡盒 多功能 容器 收納盒
外部直徑 5.8 公分, 內部直徑 4.5 公分, 高 24.3 公分
置入過濾杯時, 可當沖茶器或咖啡壺, 拿出過濾杯時, 置入過濾杯外圍的厚矽膠圈, 三秒鐘即可當運動水壺使用, 迅速方便
(水壺的兩端 分別是厚矽膠圈和薄矽膠圈, 請勿弄反) (如需多一份備用, 每份酌收成本費10元, 或者幫我們打卡, 就多送您一份備用)
市價1590元, 我們提供特價690元 (如果有跟我們買眼鏡, 可以600元加價購)
水壺有黑色, 紅色, 咖啡色, 和藍色四種顏色, 歡迎來面交, 滿意再買.
即日起, 在我們信義計劃眼鏡的賣場購買任何一副眼鏡, 可以優惠價600元加購這款設計師運動水壺
如在我們官網或者來我們台北總店現場一次購買6副眼鏡, 除了享有減價1200元再免運費的優惠, 還可獲贈不同的周邊商品, 或者獲贈這網頁的設計師運動水壺一個.
特別方案: 即日起面交以下品牌 任何兩支(可混合搭配) Dsquared, John Galliano (約翰 加利亞諾), 渡邊徹 (Watanabe Toru), 誂別一秀, Eye like it, Emilio Pucci, ic! berlin, Chrome Hearts, Tiffany, Chanel, Giuliano Fujiwara, Porsche Design, Tag Heuer, Alain Mikli, Tom Ford, Oh My Glasses, For your eyes only (Fyo), Picasso(畢卡索), Oakley, iceberg, Tulip (鬱金香), Royal Queen, Red CETTU(周子瑜), Givenchy 紀梵希(姬存希), Credit, D&G, DG, Jil Sander, Cartier, PRADA, JPG 或者帶親友來買任何品牌不限金額的6支眼鏡, 除了享有特惠價, 帶領者自己不必消費, 就可獲贈這款設計師運動水壺一個
有需要者, 請當場告知現場工作人員, 否則不便主動贈送, 以免沒用到浪費
老客戶可以6張貴賓卡兌換, 或者以600元加價購.
(這網頁的價格690元是單單設計師運動水壺的價格, 不是眼鏡的價格)
[ ImeMyself Eyewear 信義計劃眼鏡 ]
multifunctional, tasteful designer's sport bottle which can be used as eyeglasses/pencil/pen case/coffee pot/tea pot, box, or container
gift for spectacles, handmade optical prescription frames, or small sunglasses.
With the filter cup, it is a tea pot. Replace the filter cup with the silicone band attached, it can be easily switched into a sport bottle.
Made of high temperature resistance glass and 304 stainless, only it can match your designer's taste and bring you the healthy daily life at the same time.
outside diameter: 5.8 cm inside diameter: 4.5 cm height: 24.3 cm
The original tag price is 59 USD; now we offer you the special price 39 USD.
This designer's sport bottle offers you optional colors black, dark brown, red, and blue.
If you want any color, send us a conversation or give us a note. We will ship the right color you want for you.
If you purchase six pairs of glasses in ImeMyself eyewear Etsy shop at a time, you can get this designer's sport bottle.
Regular customers coming back to buy five more pairs of glasses can also get one bottle for free.
6 of our round shape magnet VIP cards collected can be redeemed for one bottle too.
("I’m serious" questions are always welcome at the Q&A column.)
Buyers can collect our round shape magnet VIP cards and make them redeemed for ImeMyself Eyewear gifts after you have accumulated the VIP cards to a certain number.
ImeMyself Eyewear free prescription lenses coupons to give away. (1.56 anti-uv anti-radiation multi-coated non spherical surface lenses, thinner and lighter than the traditional ones)
If you come to visit our eyewear base near MRT Taipei city hall station and buy any pair of prescription frame at whatever price, you can get one free lenses coupon. The more you buy; the even more you get.
Even if you just buy one pair of frame at the low price of 600 TWD ( 19 USD ), you can still get the coupon valued up to 4000 TWD ( 116 to 129 USD )
(“I’m serious” questions are welcome at the Q&A column)
Anyone buying from us is guaranteed that we will send the glasses or the goods on the way to you the day the payment is confirmed.
More than 8000 models of frames and sunglasses are now available in our studio. Welcome to our website alex2000tw dot tw for more glasses to search or buy. ( Use Google to search ImeMyself Eyewear or 信義計劃眼鏡, you’ll find our website. ) You’re always welcome to try them on.
Google translation is not always precisely accurate, so take a look at the photos of the following webpage for knowing how to pay by PayPal. Warm welcome!
The following is the example of one transaction. All foreigners follow the same rules. Warm welcome!
Dear Mohammad,
Thanks for your purchase of Watanabe Toru polarized sunglasses.
1900+300 shipping cost =00 TWD or USD
Please offer me your email address or PayPal account.
The invoice can be sent to your email box or your PayPal account.
I will ship the package right after the payment is confirmed.
I will offer you the tracking number, the package photos, and the inquiring site after the shipment.
To avoid high customs tax, I usually declare the value to be under 40 USD and declare the items to be used eyeglasses, gift, or samples. Actually I send you the authentic, original, and unused/brand new ones.
If you want me to declare more or less than 40 USD, please tell me before I ship the package . This much I beg for your understanding.
(For some countries, I put a note inside the package to claim it’s a bonus to avoid high customs tax.)
P.S. If the frame is too loose or too tight, any eyewear shop can adjust it for you. It takes only one minute to adjust the frame. Any further question from you will be soon replied.
Please confirm the following contact information to make sure the eyeglasses will reach you without delay.
(Recently in two to three weeks, but sometimes up to four weeks by registered airmail because of Coronavirus lockdown, the bad weather, or the airliner route change)
Your understanding will be deeply appreciated.
From: Alex Hsieh ImeMyself Eyewear alex2000tw@gmail.com
2F.-3, No.23, Ln. 215, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan
To: First name Last name
Detailed Address
Zip code, Country
PayPal will protect your purchase.
I'm law-abiding and trustworthy; you will receive authentic, unused, and original eyeglasses and additional gifts for sure.
Warm regards,
Alex Hsieh alex2000tw@gmail.com
If you ever come to Taipei, rain or shine, 365 days round the year, you are always welcome to drop by our eyewear shop near the 101 skyscraper to try our 8000 styles of unique, eye opening, and amazing glasses. (We're open 12:30 to 7:30 PM.)
Take the taxi or take the MRT. Out of the MRT Taipei city hall station exit 4, take no turns and walk directly along Zhongxiao E. Rd. about 50 meters. Then turn left to Ln. 215 when you see a kindergarten. Our shop is on the right side of the lane, just next to a beef noodle restaurant and a lottery shop. Walk in a canopy and push the black ring bell on the left. We are on the second floor. If you can't find us, just call and we will send one assistant to guide you. (You can also ask any pedestrian or passer-by to get help.)
The parking lot is just beside our building. 15 TWD or 0.48 USD / half an hour
Call +886910074595 or visit us at 2F.-3, No.23, Ln. 215, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan