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  • 購物車
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  • 12:00~7:30 PM 開放試戴
  • 台北店 0910074595
  • 台北市信義區忠孝東路四段553巷52弄1號

鼓舞士氣 贈品 增強免疫力 goggle high quality glass fiber anti UV goggles against Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS 信義計劃眼鏡 Eye Like It 瞳愛 護目鏡 防霧 不起霧 方框 超大框 搭配 近視 老花 眼鏡 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 变色镜片 全視線 全视线 frames spectacles sunglasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue ray block lenses blue light filter Óculos de sol 선글라스 Sonnenbrillen occhiali da sole solglasögon Kínhrâm zonnebril Slunečníbrýle Lunettes de soleil عینکآفتابینظارةشمسيةמשקפישמש Сонячніокуляри サングラス solbriller güneş gözlüğünaps zemüveg Sólgleraugu Kacamatahita धूप का चश्मा Gafas de sol Сонячні окуляри Carmine mata hitam ocularia 太陽眼鏡 太阳眼镜

鼓舞士氣 贈品 增強免疫力 goggle high quality glass fiber anti UV goggles against Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS 信義計劃眼鏡 Eye Like It 瞳愛 護目鏡 防霧 不起霧 方框 超大框 搭配 近視 老花 眼鏡 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 变色镜片 全視線 全视线 frames spectacles sunglasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue ray block lenses blue light filter Óculos de sol 선글라스 Sonnenbrillen occhiali da sole solglasögon Kínhrâm zonnebril Slunečníbrýle Lunettes de soleil عینکآفتابینظارةشمسيةמשקפישמש Сонячніокуляри サングラス solbriller güneş gözlüğünaps zemüveg Sólgleraugu Kacamatahita धूप का चश्मा Gafas de sol Сонячні окуляри Carmine mata hitam ocularia 太陽眼鏡 太阳眼镜

  • 編號:3520
  • 類別:光學眼鏡-大框
  • 重量:
  • 定價:$850
  • 特價:$290
  • 數量:


真正危險的地方是群聚的菜市場和大賣場, 我們台北店有定期實施清潔和消毒, 是安全可靠的地方

即日起. 在我們大巨蛋店購買任何一支眼鏡, 就算590元的兒童眼鏡也可以, 即贈防霧護目鏡一個, 保護您跟您的家人, 萬無一失!

( 100個 送完為止)


[ ImeMyself Eyewear 信義計劃眼鏡 ] 

Protective high quality glass fiber anti UV goggles, gifts for spectacles, handmade optical prescription frames, or sunglasses.

black one: width 15 height 5.3 cm  transparent one: width 17 height 6.4 cm

The original price is 23 USD; now we offer you the special price 9.5 USD.

This high quality glass fiber goggle offers you optional colors black or transparent.

If you want any color, send us a conversation or give us a note. We will ship the right color you want for you.

If you purchase any one pair of glasses in ImeMyself eyewear shop, you can get this goggle for free by exchanging all other attached accessories for this. 

Regular customers who take your family or friends to buy glasses in ImeMyself eyewear shop can also get one goggle for free.

2 of our round shape magnet VIP cards collected can be redeemed for one goggle too.

十四萬人齊解甲 更無一個是男兒
這時候 保護你的不是伊人 是眼鏡
即日起 購買任何一支眼鏡, 不限金額, 即送此一 防霧 抗UV 護目鏡


信義計劃眼鏡  鼓舞士氣 增強免疫力 (21世紀 愛你 健康活力) 0確診 嘉玲 特別方案: 即日起到2028年底

凡在我們台北店現場或者官網購買任何兩支眼鏡, 不限金額, 690元的兒童鏡框或特價鏡框也可以, 除了原先贈送的
1原定價3600至4000元(抗UV抗輻射)1. 56超薄防水多層膜非球面雙抗鏡片. 
2. 光學鏡頭用超細奈米纖維布/多功能螺絲起子組
3. 價值180元的帆布袋或網狀袋一個 
4. 價值190元的頂級名片鈔票夾(或活動鍍鋅鋼掛勾)(或石頭文鎮)(或鍍鋅鋼書籤)(或鍍鋅鋼全金屬指環扣手機支架) (或不鏽鋼不碎鏡)(或USB隨身LED燈)(或眼鏡鍊) 一件  
5. 還特別贈送您價值1590元的多功能設計師運動水壺真皮眼鏡盒(2選1)  

6. 附註: 2至4 三項可以全部更換為 抗UV 防霧 護目鏡 


老顧客可以更換為 純棉鴨舌帽 或 100%純手工松木眼鏡盒或 極品咖啡豆 或 丹麥進口珠寶盒 或 Hermès / LV / Montale / Mont Blanc / Dior / Mercedes Benz 賓士 等香水

如果親友買2支眼鏡, 得到上述禮物, 帶親友來的網友, 沒買也一樣可以得到2點貴賓卡點數

如果親友買6支眼鏡, 得到3項禮物, 帶親友來的網友, 沒買也一樣可以得到6點貴賓卡點數, 就可以兌換上述禮物

點數愈多, 兌換愈多, 歡迎把握機會!



黑色 寬  15 公分  高  5.3  公分     透明色    寬  17 公分  高  6.4  公分

全新真品   Eye Like It  瞳愛  包邊大框   護目鏡

航太 防霧 防刮 抗UV 鏡片, 呼吸或吹氣不起霧, 赴醫院探病/騎車/跑步/防塵霾/防光害/防飛沫傳染 效果最好

附頂級超細奈米纖維拭鏡布, 原定價690元, 我們提供 給國人官網特惠價 290 元, 歡迎捷足先登.



1. 黑色: 直接當眼鏡使用   

2. 透明色: 臉超大者適用, 也可包覆在現有的近視眼鏡或老花眼鏡外面, 當作套鏡使用   


購買時請在首頁右上角購物車備註欄處告知您要的顏色, 謝謝!

PS. 請看這網頁第一張照片, 住新墨西哥州的美國人以美金28.38(約台幣850元)跟我們信義計劃眼鏡購買一個護目鏡


我們現在買任何一支眼鏡, 不限價位, 就連台幣690元的眼鏡也可以, 即可將配件更換為此一 防霧 抗UV 護目鏡


數量有限, 送完為止, 請把握機會



ImeMyself Eyewear free prescription lenses coupons to give away. (1.56  anti-uv anti-radiation multi-coated non spherical surface lenses, thinner and lighter than the traditional ones)

If you come to visit our eyewear base near MRT Taipei city hall station and buy any pair of prescription frame at whatever price, you can get one free lenses coupon. The more you buy; the even more you get.

Even if you just buy one pair of frame at the low price of 590 TWD ( 19 USD ), you can still get the coupon valued up to 4000 TWD ( 149 USD )

New buyers can usually get only one gift at one purchase. What gifts you get depend on how many items you buy at one time. Separated purchases can’t be accumulated to calculate for more or bigger gifts. However you can collect our round shape magnet VIP cards and make them redeemed for the gifts after you have accumulated the VIP cards to a certain number.


("I’m serious" questions are welcome at the Q&A column)

Anyone buying from us is guaranteed that we will send the glasses or the goods on the way to you the day the payment is confirmed.



[ ImeMyself eyewear ] gifts for spectacles, handmade prescription frames, or sunglasses




















ImeMyself Eyewear free prescription lenses coupons to give away. (1.56  anti-uv anti-radiation multi-coated non spherical surface lenses, thinner and lighter than the traditional ones)

If you come to visit our eyewear base near MRT Taipei city hall station and buy any pair of prescription frame at whatever price, you can get one free lenses coupon. The more you buy; the even more you get.

Even if you just buy one pair of frame at the low price of 590 TWD ( 19 USD ), you can still get the coupon valued up to 4000 TWD ( 129 USD )

New buyers can usually get only one gift at one purchase. What gifts you get depend on how many items you buy at one time. Separated purchases can’t be accumulated to calculate for more or bigger gifts. However you can collect our round shape magnet VIP cards and make them redeemed for the gifts after you have accumulated the VIP cards to a certain number.


("I’m serious" questions are welcome at the Q&A column)

Anyone buying from us is guaranteed that we will send the glasses or the goods on the way to you the day the payment is confirmed.


Foreign buyers can purchase in our website through PayPal or Payoneer now. 


TWD : USD ( about 30:1 )  TWD : Eur ( about 32:1 )

The following is the example of one transaction. All foreigners follow the same rules. Warm welcome!

Dear buyer,

Thanks for your purchase of Watanabe Toru WT021 polarized sunglasses.

1700+240 shipping cost =1940 TWD or 69 USD

You can pay to my PayPal account:  alex2000tw@gmail.com 

I will ship the package right after the payment is confirmed.

I will offer you the tracking number, the package photos, and the inquiring site after the shipment.

(For some countries, I put a note inside the package to claim it’s a bonus to avoid high customs tax.)

Please confirm the following contact information to make sure the eyeglasses will reach you without delay.

To: First name Last name
Detailed Address 
Zip code, Country

PayPal or Payoneer will protect your purchase. I'm law-abiding and trustworthy; you will receive authentic, unused, and original eyeglasses and additional gifts for sure.
Warm regards,

Alex Hsieh


If you ever come to Taipei, rain or shine, 365 days round the year, you are always welcome to drop by our eyewear shop near the 101 skyscraper to try our 8000 styles of unique, eye opening, and amazing glasses. (We're open 12:00 to 7:30 PM.)

Rain or shine, 365 days round, we're open 12:00 to 7:30 PM.

Our store is near the Dome (the giant egg-shape arena), Exit 1 of MRT City Hall Station, or Exit 5 of Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station in Taipei.

█ Path Guide:

Take the taxi or take the MRT. 

Out of the MRT Taipei city hall station exit 1 or Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall exit 5. 

You can also take the bus 公車 212、232、240、270、299、600、919、忠孝幹線 to UDN 聯合報站

Find us at No.1, Alley 52, Ln. 553, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11072, Taiwan

Our eyewear store is at the end of Lane 553.

If you can't find us, just call +886917674595 and we will send one assistant to guide you. 

(You can also ask any pedestrian or passer-by to get help.)

Prescription lenses will be ready in 30 mins to 3 days, depending on whether your prescription stats are simple or complicated.

Warm regards,


LINE / WeChat:  alex20000tw 
WhatsAPP: +886910074595
Payoneer:  rightnow3689@gmail.com
PayPal/Gmail:  alex2000tw@gmail.com




( 東向西 )  捷運市政府站1號出口  右轉忠孝東路,過了奎仕咖啡和聯合報大樓,看到553巷 走到底。

( 西向東 ): 國父紀念館站5號出口 右轉 走過大巨蛋  到忠孝東路四段553巷底。

█  停車資訊: 

到谷歌地圖以 [ 信義計劃眼鏡 大巨蛋店 ] 搜尋就可以找到. 
553巷 不要左轉或右轉  直走到底 就看到了

我們店隔壁有個平面停車場, 半小時35/45元

大巨蛋 停車場 也已經開放

也可停車在松山高中地下停車場, 或市府轉運站附近, 騎Ubike或者散步過來

(我們離張清芳住的 [聯合大於] 和 [五之神拉麵] 很近,  在 松山文創園區 誠品行旅 松菸誠品 入口處)





